Live Webinar: The GCC Medical Technology Guide
In cooperation with the German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce (AHK) and the German Saudi Arabian Liaison Office for Economic Affairs…
Over the past decades, the GGC countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) have witnessed immense economic growth which has fueled the demand for excellent healthcare services, compelling the GCC governments to allocate a significant amount of their budgets to the healthcare sector. As a result, the region’s healthcare system has witnessed a substantial boom which in return has created numerous opportunities for foreign healthcare companies to explore the healthcare market in the region. The rapid growth in the healthcare industry in the region has led to several updates of the regulatory frameworks in the GCC countries to align them with international standards. The resulting statutory and regulatory changes as well as differing regulations in the GCC states make the highly regulated GCC healthcare sector a challenging field for foreign companies to operate in.
We are therefore extremely pleased to announce the launch of our “GCC Medical Equipment Guide” which provides market analyses as well as overviews of the legal frameworks for the healthcare sector related to medical technology in each of the six GCC states. We thank our co-authors, the German Saudi Arabian Liaison Office for Economic Affairs (GESALO) and the German Emirati Joint Council for Industry & Commerce (AHK), for their valuable contributions to this publication in the market analysis sections. We furthermore would like to thank Spectaris for providing their kind support to this publication.
The launch of the new guide will be accompanied with an online event; details will be announced shortly.
You can access the guide on the following link: