Live-Veranstaltung: UAE + Saudi-Arabien - Recht & Vertragsgestaltung bie Export & Vertriebsaufbau
Erfolgreiche Geschäfte in der Region erfordern sowohl rechtliche Kenntnisse als auch kulturelles Bewusstsein bei Ihren Geschäftspartnern.
We are thrilled to launch the third edition of our guide, “Employment Law & HR Management in the UAE”, co-authored with Departer. The launch event,…
We are delighted to be part of a special networking event organized by German Emirati Chamber of Commerce & Industry (AHK) in cooperation with Schlüte…
SCHLÜTER GRAF in collaboration with The German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce (AHK) and Departer, cordially invites you to join us…
In Kooperation mit der Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg (WFBB), der Deutsch-Emiratischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) und der MENA Business GmbH…
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutsch-Emiratischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) möchten wir Sie zu der Live-Veranstaltung “Testamentserstellung in…
We are excited to invite you to the exclusive UAE HR Success Forum, hosted in collaboration with Departer, IFZA, and the German Emirati Joint Council…
We are delighted to participate in the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days from September 09 to September 12th. A great opportunity to meet and discuss…
In cooperation with the German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and Commerce (AHK), we would like to invite you to the upcoming AHK Business…
In Kooperation mit der Deutsch-Emiratische Industrie und Handelskammer (AHK), IFZA und Austrian Business Council möchten wir Sie herzlich zur…
Am 29. Februar 2024 nahm Christoph Keimer, Partner, Rechtsanwalt und Rechtsberater bei SCHLÜTER GRAF, an einer von ICC Austria mitorganisierten…
In Zusammenarbeit mit der ICC Austria laden wir Sie herzlich zum Live-Event "UAE + Saudi Arabia: Export & Niederlassungen" am Donnerstag, 29. Februar…
On 12th January 2024, Usama Munir head of the SCHLÜTER GRAF’s Pakistan practice attended an event co-organized by Industrie- und Handelskammer…
SCHLÜTER GRAF is delighted to participate in the upcoming event “Business Opportunities Pakistan” of the Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am…
Usama Munir, Associate, SCHLÜTER GRAF Legal Consultant will be speaking on a webinar “Stabilization & Modernization of Energy Infrastructure in…
Explore Death in Service Policy with our Associate Partner, Yulia Kasiyanova on Lexis Middle East Law Alert: October 2023 Edition and gain a deep…
Explore contracts with our Associate Partner, Yulia Kasiyanova on Lexis Middle East Law Alert: July – August 2023 Edition and gain a deep…
We were pleased to be invited at University of Birmingham’s (Dubai Campus) Summer School on 9 September 2023, where Heinrich Koellisch from Schlüter…
We are delighted by the participation of our lawyer, Mr. Heinrich Köllisch, in a webinar event organized in cooperation with German Saudi Arabian…
Usama Munir from Schluter Graf will be speaking at World Litigation Forum 2023 to be held in Singapore on 23rd and 24th May 2023. Usama will share his…
SCHLÜTER GRAF is delighted to have once again been ranked as a Leading Firm in the UAE: Commercial, Corporate & M&A in The Legal 500 EMEA 2023 Guide.…
We were pleased to be part of the Middlesex University‘s Career Fair 2023, where Usama Munir along with Mari Gamez and Tishani Santra from Schluter…
Im Rahmen der Online Veranstaltung "Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz: Nachhaltige Lieferketten am Beispiel Pakistan" der IHK Bielefeld am 24.…
SCHLÜTER GRAF held a seminar on corporate restructuring in collaboration with Dubai Airport Free-zone-Authority on June 20,2019. Our Senior Lawyer Yul…
SCHLÜTER GRAF’s Senior Lawyer Yulia Kasiyanova will be collaborating with Dubai Airport Free-zone-Authority– on a new seminar about (re)structuring…
Our senior lawyer Dr. Constantin Frank-Fahle, LL.M. shared his experience on Corporate Restructuring in the UAE this morning. The joint workshop with…
On 25 April 2019, our senior lawyer Dr. Constantin Frank-Fahle, LL.M. kicked off the ICV breakfast seminar at the Rosewood Hotel in Abu Dhabi by…
On April 14, 2019, our lawyer Dounia Aghdoube discussed wills and inheritance matters in the UAE at an event hosted by the DIFC Wills Service Centre, …
Amna Al Owais (DIFC Courts), Nassir Al Nasser (DIFC Courts) and Dr. Constantin Frank-Fahle (SCHLÜTER GRAF Legal Consultants) spoke about DIFC's Small…